Members are entitled to appoint an individual to the Board of Directors and to acquire network services from LEARN at member rates. Network services are designed and provisioned based on the needs of individual members through collaboration between those members and the LEARN staff.
Network services, which are funded by the members who consume the services at rates which are set by the Board, sustain current and future network requirements including capital refresh at periodic intervals to keep the network state-of-the-art.
Network services include:
LEARN is currently listed as a telecommunication/Internet service provider with the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC). Becoming a USAC telecommunications/Internet service provider permits LEARN's school, library, and rural healthcare customers to receive significant discounts through the Universal Services Fund.
The Board and the staff are committed to ensuring LEARN remains the trusted and preferred means by which its members obtain network services in Texas. There is a broad consensus among LEARN's members that the organization has a unique role to play in the state in providing highly reliable, cost-effective network services to the higher education, K–12, research institutions, healthcare, city and county governments, libraries and museums, and not-for-profits and public service entities. LEARN is a trusted partner and convener in these communities.