Executive Committee

Within the authority delegated by the Board, the Executive Committee—comprised of the elected officers of the corporation and the Chairs of the standing board committees—develops the Board agendas and governs the affairs of LEARN between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee is composed of the President & Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer, Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, and Secretary. Other than the President and Treasurer, the Officers are elected from the members of the Board of Directors.

Dan Schmiedt



Dan Schmiedt

Texas A&M University

Frank Feagans


Past Chair

Frank Feagans

University of Texas at Dallas

Mark Stone



Mark Stone

Texas A&M University System

Michael Welch


Finance Committee Chair

Michael Welch

Blinn College

Bryan Roesslet


Operations & Services Committee Chair

Bryan Roesslet

University of Texas System

David Stephens


Governance & Participation Committee Chair

David Stephens

Collin College

DeeDee Conway


CFO & Treasurer

DeeDee Conway


Kerry Mobley


President & CEO

Kerry Mobley